
HouseJoy has a presence in over 20 cities across India.

About HouseJoy

HouseJoy has a presence in over 20 cities across India. Emphasizes technology and transparency in their service delivery. Has partnered with renowned material brands and service providers. Focuses on providing a hassle-free and convenient experience for homeowners. Received recognition for their innovative approach to home improvement services.

  • Year of Inception in India: 2014
  • Share Price Value: Not publicly traded, so no share price available.
  • Founder: Raman Kumar Agarwal
  • No. of HouseJoy Store Outlet in India : No physical stores. Operates mainly online with a network of service providers across various cities.
  • Year of Establishment: 2014
  • Is the HouseJoy Listed? No
  • Website Address:
  • Does the HouseJoy Provides Franchise? Yes
  • Country of Origin: India


Construction and renovation services for homes and offices, including: Interior design and execution Painting and plumbing Electrical work and carpentry Modular kitchen installation and bathroom remodeling House extension and terrace makeover Project management and quality control throughout the construction process Offers online platform for booking services and managing projects Provides transparent pricing and customer support

Who is the Brand Ambassador of HouseJoy?

Unclear, may not have a brand ambassador as of January 2024.

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