Swiggy Expands its Premium Food Delivery Service Gourmet to 31 Cities Across India
Swiggy Expands its Premium Food Delivery Service Gourmet to 31 Cities Across India

Swiggy, India’s leading on-demand delivery platform has expanded its premium food delivery service, Swiggy Gourmet.

With this expansion, Swiggy Gourmet is now available in 31 cities across India.

Introduced in earlier 2022 in Bangalore, Delhi, and Mumbai, the gourmet delivery service has since expanded to several other cities like Pune, Kolkata, Goa, Chandigarh, Surat, Vadodara, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Coimbatore, and Kochi.

“We are excited as we expand our Swiggy Gourmet to provide more premium experiences to consumers at their doorsteps. Our expansion reflects the strong demand for premium dining options and we are committed to partnering with more restaurants to provide unique and tempting offers exclusively available on our platform,” shared Rohit Kapoor, CEO, Food Marketplace, Swiggy.

Swiggy will additionally launch the service in 16 new cities including Dehradun, Pondicherry, Ludhiana, Udaipur, and more. Swiggy Gourmet expansion shows that the service has found resonance among consumers especially in smaller towns and cities across India.

The trend of ordering from fine-dining restaurants has risen significantly in recent years, and Swiggy has stepped up to cater to this niche market with Swiggy Gourmet. With more than 2000+ brands and 5000+ restaurants, Swiggy Gourmet has become a go-to destination for food enthusiasts seeking exclusive gourmet experiences delivered right to their doorstep.

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